Crawn Trust

Governor’s Gender Roundtable

The Governor’s Gender Round Tables-GGRTs is an initiative of CRAWN Trust and the National Women’s Steering Committee-NWSC aimed at organising a structured and well-coordinated platform for women to identify and interact with duty bearers at the highest level at the county level. 

The GGRTs aims to serve as an opportunity for constructive interaction between the duty bearers (Governors and County governments) and the rights holders to improve the relationship between the county governments and the county citizenry especially the women and women groups, youth and persons with disability-PWDs.

Through this initiative, the views and aspirations of women, youth and PWDs will be captured and factored in development and ensure that gender is mainstreamed in all aspects of County development and public service delivery resulting in a more equitable society.

The key outcomes of the Governor’s Gender Round Tables are:

  •  Enhance women and youth participation in decision making at County levels
  • Promote gender responsive leadership and development
  • Create organized and operational platforms for women and youths to dialogue with the County leadership
  • Develop women’s leadership capacities and skills
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