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October 10, 2024Blog / NewsToday marks Mazingira Day, a day dedicated to raising awareness on environmental sustainability and advocating for climate action. As the world faces unprecedented environmental challenges such as climate change, deforestation, and pollution, the effects are not evenly distributed across populations. Women and girls, particularly those in marginalized communities, bear a disproportionate share of the burden. Women and the Environment: The Unseen Connection Women, especially in rural and low-income areas, are often on the frontlines of environmental management. They are the primary collectors of water, firewood, and food for their families. Their daily lives and livelihoods are deeply intertwined with the environment, making them more vulnerable to the impacts of environmental degradation. As natural resources become scarcer due to deforestation and climate change, women are forced to travel longer distances for essentials like water and firewood, limiting their time for education, income generation, or rest. Despite their vulnerability, women have consistently been key agents of change in environmental conservation. They play critical roles in community-based efforts to combat climate change through initiatives such as reforestation, clean energy adoption, and sustainable agriculture. Climate Change and the Threat to Women’s Livelihoods In many parts of the world, women rely on agriculture as a primary source of income. Climate change disrupts traditional farming practices, leading to food insecurity and increased poverty, particularly for women who often have limited access to financial resources, land, and other agricultural inputs. Natural disasters caused by climate change, such as floods and droughts, also disproportionately affect women and girls. These events increase the risk of gender-based violence, displacement, and loss of economic stability, further entrenching the cycle of poverty. The Role of Women in Environmental Advocacy Around the globe, women are emerging as leaders in the fight against climate change and environmental degradation. Grassroots movements led by women are at the forefront of advocating for sustainable policies, climate justice, and the inclusion of women’s voices in decision-making processes. Their involvement is critical, as women bring unique perspectives and solutions rooted in their experiences as caretakers of natural resources. However, despite their crucial contributions, women remain underrepresented in environmental leadership positions and decision-making spaces. Mazingira Day calls for greater recognition of the leadership of women and girls in environmental advocacy and for gender-responsive climate policies that ensure their full participation and empowerment. How Environmental Degradation Affects Girls’ Education Environmental challenges such as water scarcity, deforestation, and poor sanitation disproportionately affect girls’ education. In many areas, young girls are often pulled out of school to help with household duties that become more time-consuming as environmental conditions worsen. When girls are tasked with walking long distances to fetch water, they miss out on school and face the risk of physical exhaustion and exposure to violence. Access to clean water and sanitation is another major issue. Poor environmental conditions and lack of adequate sanitation facilities in schools can prevent girls from attending school, especially during menstruation. By addressing environmental issues, we can create safer, more equitable educational opportunities for girls. Towards Gender-Responsive Climate Solutions Mazingira Day provides an opportunity to reflect on the need for gender-responsive climate solutions. It is imperative to develop policies and programs that recognize and address the unique challenges faced by women and girls in the context of climate change. This involves: Empowering women through education, training, and access to resources that enable them to become active participants in climate action. Promoting women’s leadership in environmental governance at all levels, from local to global, to ensure that their voices are heard and their needs addressed. Supporting sustainable livelihoods for women through access to clean energy, climate-smart agriculture, and green technologies. Addressing the impact on girls’ education by investing in infrastructure that provides clean water, sanitation, and energy, and reducing the environmental factors that limit girls’ access to schooling.  Conclusion As we celebrate Mazingira Day, it is clear that the fight for environmental sustainability is also a fight for gender equality. Women and girls are not only victims of environmental degradation, but they are also powerful agents of change. By supporting their leadership and addressing their unique needs, we can create a more sustainable and equitable future for all. Let Mazingira Day be a reminder that environmental justice cannot be achieved without gender justice.   [...]
May 2, 2024Blog / NewsAs Kenya grapples with recurring floods, the consequences extend far beyond physical damage to homes and infrastructure. These floods, exacerbated by factors like climate change and poor urban planning, pose significant risks to all genders, with women and girls facing particular vulnerabilities and challenges. One of the most immediate impacts of floods is displacement. Families are forced to evacuate their homes, seeking refuge in temporary shelters or with relatives. Women and girls, already bearing the brunt of household responsibilities, often find themselves shouldering additional burdens during these crises. They become responsible for securing food, water, and sanitation facilities in makeshift settlements, exposing them to increased health risks and stress. Furthermore, the breakdown of infrastructure during floods can disrupt access to essential services like healthcare and education. Pregnant women may face difficulties in reaching medical facilities, putting their health and that of their unborn children at risk. Girls, who may already be marginalized in terms of education, face further setbacks as schools close or become inaccessible, affecting their learning and future prospects. The aftermath of floods also brings forth long-term challenges, especially for women and girls. Economic activities are disrupted, with loss of livelihoods impacting women who are often engaged in informal sectors such as small-scale agriculture or market vending. The loss of assets and income sources can push families deeper into poverty, with women and girls bearing a disproportionate share of the consequences. Another critical aspect is the increased risk of gender-based violence (GBV) during and after floods. Displacement, overcrowded shelters, and breakdown of social structures create an environment where GBV can thrive. Women and girls are at heightened risk of sexual exploitation, harassment, and domestic violence, further exacerbating their vulnerabilities. Addressing these gendered risks during floods requires a multifaceted approach. Firstly, there is a need for gender-sensitive disaster preparedness and response mechanisms. This includes ensuring that women and girls have equal access to information, resources, and decision-making processes during emergencies. Investments in resilient infrastructure and urban planning are crucial to mitigate the impact of floods on communities, with a specific focus on the needs of women, girls, and other vulnerable groups. This can involve the construction of flood-resistant housing, improved drainage systems, and safe evacuation routes that consider the needs of pregnant women, mothers, and young children. Furthermore, efforts to strengthen social support systems, including psychosocial support and GBV prevention services, are essential. Empowering women and girls with knowledge, skills, and resources to cope with and recover from flood-related challenges is fundamental to building resilience and ensuring their well-being in the face of climate-related disasters. In conclusion, while floods in Kenya affect everyone, the risks and challenges are not gender-neutral. Women and girls, already facing systemic inequalities, are disproportionately impacted and must be at the forefront of disaster response and recovery efforts. By addressing these gendered vulnerabilities, we can work towards a more inclusive and resilient society in the face of environmental challenges. [...]
April 17, 2024Blog / Information,Education and Communication / NewsIn today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, digital skills have become indispensable for personal, professional, and economic growth. Defined as the ability to find, evaluate, use, share, and create content using digital devices such as computers and smartphones, these skills are essential for navigating the modern world. However, despite the growing importance of digital literacy, a significant digital divide persists, particularly concerning women and girls in Kenya. The digital economy presents vast opportunities for innovation, entrepreneurship, and economic empowerment. Yet, women and girls face multiple barriers that hinder their access to and participation in this digital revolution. This digital divide is not merely about access to technology but also encompasses the ability to effectively utilize digital tools and platforms to enhance livelihoods and economic opportunities. At the core of this issue lies the disparity in digital skills. Many women and girls in Kenya lack the necessary skills to use devices like computers, tablets, or mobile phones for both personal and work tasks. This skill gap not only limits their access to information and educational resources but also hinders their ability to engage in online commerce, digital marketing, and other aspects of the digital economy. Moreover, the digital divide extends beyond technical proficiency. Women and girls often face social and cultural barriers that discourage or limit their involvement in the digital sphere. This includes limited access to education and training programs focused on digital skills, as well as entrenched gender norms that prioritize male participation in technology-related fields. To address these challenges and bridge the digital divide, concerted efforts are needed at various levels. Firstly, there is a critical need for comprehensive digital skills training programs tailored to the needs of women and girls. These programs should not only focus on basic technical skills but also include modules on online safety, digital literacy, and entrepreneurship. Additionally, initiatives aimed at promoting digital inclusion must address the underlying social and cultural barriers that hinder women’s and girls’ participation. This includes challenging stereotypes, promoting gender equality in education and employment opportunities, and fostering a supportive environment for women and girls to explore and excel in digital technologies. Empowering women and girls in Kenya’s digital economy is not just a matter of social justice; it is also an economic imperative. Studies have shown that closing the digital gender gap could unlock significant economic opportunities and contribute to overall societal development. By equipping women and girls with the digital skills and opportunities they need, we can create a more inclusive, prosperous, and equitable digital future for all.     [...]
April 8, 2024Blog / NewsEvery year on April 7th, the world comes together to celebrate World Health Day. This day is an opportunity to raise awareness about global health issues and advocate for the right to health for everyone, regardless of their age, gender, or background. In 2024, the theme for World Health Day is “My Health, My Right,” highlighting the importance of empowering individuals to take charge of their health and advocating for their right to access quality healthcare services. One of the key focuses of World Health Day 2024 is on women and girls, recognizing the unique challenges they face in accessing healthcare and the critical role they play in promoting health within their families and communities. Here are some key aspects to consider in relation to women and girls’ health empowerment: Access to Healthcare Services Access to healthcare is a fundamental right, yet many women and girls around the world still face barriers in accessing essential health services. These barriers can include financial constraints, lack of awareness about available services, cultural beliefs, and geographic remoteness. On World Health Day, it’s crucial to advocate for policies and programs that ensure equitable access to healthcare for women and girls, including maternal and reproductive health services, vaccinations, mental health support, and preventive care. Gender-Based Violence and Health Gender-based violence is a significant public health issue that affects the physical and mental well-being of women and girls. It can lead to long-term health consequences, including injuries, trauma, and chronic health conditions. World Health Day provides an opportunity to raise awareness about the link between gender-based violence and health and to advocate for comprehensive support services for survivors, including medical care, counseling, legal assistance, and community support networks. Empowering Women as Health Advocates Women and girls are not just recipients of healthcare but also powerful agents of change in promoting health within their communities. Empowering women as health advocates involves providing them with education, resources, and opportunities to take on leadership roles in healthcare decision-making processes. It also means recognizing and addressing the social determinants of health, such as poverty, discrimination, and unequal access to education and employment, that impact women and girls’ health outcomes. Investing in Women’s Health Research Research plays a crucial role in advancing our understanding of women and girls’ health needs and developing effective interventions and policies. On World Health Day, it’s important to highlight the need for increased investment in gender-sensitive health research that addresses the unique biological, social, and environmental factors that influence women and girls’ health across the lifespan. This includes research on women’s reproductive health, mental health, chronic diseases, and the impact of social and economic factors on health outcomes. Collaborative Action for Health Equity Achieving health equity for women and girls requires collaborative action involving governments, healthcare providers, civil society organizations, academia, and communities. World Health Day serves as a platform for mobilizing stakeholders to work together towards achieving universal health coverage, promoting gender-responsive healthcare services, and addressing the underlying determinants of health inequalities. In conclusion, World Health Day 2024 with the theme “My Health, My Right” is an opportunity to reaffirm our commitment to empowering women and girls to lead healthy lives and advocating for their right to access quality healthcare services. By addressing barriers to healthcare access, addressing gender-based violence, empowering women as health advocates, investing in research, and fostering collaborative action, we can create a healthier and more equitable world for all.   [...]
April 4, 2024Leadership and Governance / News / Social-Economic Empowerment / Thematic AreasIn the realm of women and girls advocacy and awareness, a critical issue that often takes center stage is the distribution of household care work. This encompasses a wide range of responsibilities, from childcare and eldercare to household chores and emotional labor. The unequal burden of this unpaid work on women and girls is deeply intertwined with societal gender norms and attitudes. Gender Norms and Expectations Gender norms are societal expectations and beliefs about how individuals should behave based on their gender. These norms often dictate that caregiving and domestic responsibilities are primarily the domain of women and girls. Such norms reinforce traditional gender roles, where men are often seen as breadwinners while women are expected to take on the role of caregivers and homemakers. Impact on Care Work Distribution These entrenched gender norms have a direct impact on the distribution of household care work. Women and girls are disproportionately burdened with caregiving responsibilities, often juggling multiple roles simultaneously. This imbalance not only affects their physical well-being but also limits their opportunities for education, employment, and personal fulfillment. Barriers to Equal Distribution Several factors contribute to the perpetuation of unequal care work distribution: 1. Cultural Expectations: Societal expectations and cultural beliefs about gender roles play a significant role in shaping attitudes towards care work. These expectations can be deeply ingrained and challenging to change. 2. Lack of Supportive Policies: Inadequate policies and support systems, such as affordable childcare services and parental leave policies, further exacerbate the burden on women and girls. 3. Economic Inequality: Economic disparities often limit access to resources that could alleviate the caregiving burden, such as hiring domestic help or accessing quality healthcare services. 4. Socialization: From a young age, girls are socialized to take on caregiving roles, while boys are encouraged to focus on other pursuits. This socialization reinforces gendered expectations and contributes to unequal care work distribution. Advocacy and Awareness Efforts to address the unequal distribution of care work must involve advocacy and awareness-raising initiatives: 1. Promoting Gender Equality: Advocating for gender equality involves challenging traditional gender norms and advocating for policies that promote equal opportunities and responsibilities for men and women in caregiving and domestic work. 2. Education and Empowerment: Providing education and skills training to women and girls empowers them to challenge stereotypes and assert their rights to a more equitable distribution of care work. 3. Policy Reform: Lobbying for supportive policies, such as affordable childcare, parental leave, and flexible work arrangements, can alleviate the caregiving burden and promote gender equality. 4. Changing Social Norms: Engaging communities in dialogues and campaigns to challenge harmful gender norms and promote a more inclusive and equitable society. In conclusion, the unequal distribution of household care work is intricately linked to entrenched gender norms and attitudes. Addressing this issue requires a multi-faceted approach that includes policy reform, advocacy, education, and changing societal attitudes towards caregiving responsibilities. By working together, we can create a more equitable and supportive environment for women and girls, where their contributions are valued and recognized. [...]
March 22, 2024News / Social-Economic EmpowermentAs the world commemorates World Water Day on March 22nd each year, it’s crucial to highlight the intersecting issues of water access, gender equality, and empowerment of women and girls. This day serves as a reminder of the importance of water as a basic human right and the critical role it plays in the lives of women and girls worldwide. The Impact of Water on Women and Girls Access to clean water is a fundamental necessity for all individuals, yet millions of people, especially women and girls, still lack reliable access to safe drinking water and sanitation facilities. This disparity not only affects their health and well-being but also hinders their ability to pursue education, earn a livelihood, and participate fully in society. In many communities, women and girls are primarily responsible for water collection, often spending hours each day walking long distances to fetch water from distant sources. This arduous task not only consumes valuable time but also exposes them to safety risks, including the threat of violence and the spread of waterborne diseases. Moreover, the lack of adequate sanitation facilities disproportionately affects women and girls, impacting their dignity, privacy, and overall health. Without proper sanitation, menstruating girls may face challenges in managing their hygiene, leading to school absenteeism and social stigma. Empowering Women and Girls Through Water Advocacy Efforts to address water-related challenges must prioritize gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls. Here are some key areas of focus for water advocacy: 1. Access to Safe Water; Ensuring universal access to safe and affordable drinking water and sanitation facilities is essential. This includes promoting the use of innovative technologies, such as water filtration systems and rainwater harvesting, to improve water quality and availability. 2. Education and Awareness: Raising awareness about water conservation, hygiene practices, and menstrual health management is crucial, particularly among women and girls. Education empowers individuals to make informed decisions about water usage and sanitation, leading to healthier communities. 3. Women’s Leadership: Encouraging women’s participation and leadership in water management and decision-making processes is vital for inclusive and sustainable water governance. Empowering women as water champions and advocates strengthens community resilience and fosters equitable resource allocation. 4. Income Generation: Supporting women’s economic empowerment through water-related income-generating activities, such as small-scale irrigation farming or water-based enterprises, can enhance their financial independence and contribute to local development. 5. Policy and Advocacy: Advocating for policies and initiatives that prioritize gender-responsive water management, invest in water infrastructure, and address the specific needs of women and girls is essential at local, national, and international levels. Conclusion World Water Day serves as a call to action to address the interconnected challenges of water access, gender inequality, and women’s empowerment. By advocating for inclusive and sustainable water solutions that prioritize the needs of women and girls, we can create a world where everyone has equitable access to clean water and opportunities for a better future. Let us join hands in advancing water justice and empowering women and girls for a more resilient and prosperous world. [...]
March 21, 2024News / Social-Economic EmpowermentForests are not just clusters of trees; they are intricate ecosystems that hold immense value for humanity, especially for women and girls. As we commemorate World Forest Day, it’s crucial to highlight the profound impact forests have on addressing gender inequalities and empowering women and girls globally. From economic opportunities to health benefits and cultural significance, forests play a multifaceted role in shaping the lives of women and girls in profound ways. The Economic Empowerment of Women: Forests serve as a source of livelihood for millions of women and girls in rural communities. They engage in activities such as collecting firewood, gathering medicinal plants, and harvesting forest products for sale. Sustainable forest management not only preserves these valuable resources but also creates economic opportunities, contributing to women’s financial independence and socio-economic well-being. Access to Resources and Health Benefits: Women and girls often bear the responsibility of managing household resources, and forests provide essential resources such as food, water, and fuelwood. Access to these resources directly impacts their daily lives, influencing aspects like nutrition, health, and overall quality of life. Forests also offer medicinal plants and clean air, contributing to better health outcomes and resilience against climate-related challenges. Climate Resilience and Environmental Stewardship: As climate change intensifies, forests play a critical role in climate regulation and resilience. Women and girls, particularly in vulnerable communities, are disproportionately affected by climate-related disasters. Sustainable forest management practices not only mitigate these risks but also empower women as environmental stewards, enhancing community resilience and adaptation strategies. Cultural Heritage and Social Empowerment: Forests hold cultural and spiritual significance for many communities, with women often playing pivotal roles in traditional forest-related practices and knowledge transmission. Preserving forests and indigenous knowledge not only conserves biodiversity but also fosters cultural diversity and strengthens women’s roles as custodians of traditional ecological knowledge, promoting social cohesion and empowerment. Conclusion: On World Forest Day and every day, it’s crucial to recognize and harness the power of forests in empowering women and girls. By supporting sustainable forest management practices, promoting equitable access to forest resources, and integrating women’s voices and leadership in conservation efforts, we can create a more inclusive and sustainable world where women and girls thrive. Let’s continue to nurture the invaluable connection between forests and gender equality, paving the way for a brighter and more resilient future for all. [...]
January 29, 2024Blog / News / Social-Economic EmpowermentIn the pursuit of a sustainable and equitable future, the global community is increasingly turning its attention to clean energy solutions. As we navigate the challenges of climate change, the importance of international clean energy initiatives cannot be overstated. However, it is crucial to recognize that the impact of these initiatives extends far beyond environmental benefits. In this article, we explore the intricate connection between international clean energy efforts and the empowerment of women and girls. Clean Energy as a Catalyst for Women’s Economic Empowerment: One of the primary ways in which clean energy initiatives contribute to the well-being of women and girls is through economic empowerment. As countries transition to renewable energy sources, new job opportunities emerge, particularly in the fields of solar and wind energy. Women are actively participating in these sectors, breaking traditional gender barriers and finding avenues for economic independence. The renewable energy industry presents an opportunity for skill development and training, enabling women to enter STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields. As women gain expertise in these sectors, they not only contribute to a more diverse and inclusive workforce but also challenge societal norms that have limited their participation in traditionally male-dominated industries. Access to Clean Energy and Women’s Health In many parts of the world, women and girls are disproportionately affected by the lack of access to clean energy. Traditional cooking methods, such as open-fire stoves, contribute to indoor air pollution, leading to respiratory diseases. The burden of collecting firewood, a task primarily undertaken by women and girls in many societies, also poses risks to their safety and well-being. The adoption of clean and efficient cooking technologies, such as clean cookstoves and biogas systems, can significantly improve the health and safety of women and girls. By reducing indoor air pollution and eliminating the need for arduous wood collection, these technologies free up time for education and income-generating activities, contributing to the overall well-being of women and girls. Education and Energy Access Access to reliable and clean energy is closely linked to educational opportunities for women and girls. In many developing regions, lack of electricity hinders educational progress, particularly when it comes to studying after dark. By promoting clean energy solutions, such as solar-powered lighting and renewable energy-powered schools, we can create environments conducive to learning. Additionally, empowering women with knowledge about clean energy technologies enables them to become advocates for sustainable practices within their communities. This knowledge transfer fosters a cycle of empowerment, as educated women can inspire and educate others, creating a ripple effect that extends beyond individual households. Conclusion International clean energy initiatives play a pivotal role in addressing environmental challenges, but their impact on women and girls is equally significant. From economic empowerment to improvements in health, education, and safety, the transition to clean energy contributes to a more inclusive and equitable world. Recognizing and supporting the intersectionality of clean energy and gender issues is essential for building a sustainable future that benefits all members of society. As we work towards a cleaner, greener planet, let us also strive for a world where women and girls are empowered to thrive and lead in every aspect of life. [...]
January 23, 2024Blog / Information,Education and Communication / News  In the vibrant landscape of Kenya, a striking imbalance exists in the digital realm, hindering women’s economic empowerment. This case study sheds light on the challenges faced by women in accessing digital opportunities and explores potential solutions to bridge this alarming gap. The Digital Gender Gap in Kenya: Despite the rapid growth of technology in Kenya, a substantial digital gender gap persists. Women find themselves underrepresented in tech and digital entrepreneurship, limiting their economic potential in an increasingly digitalized world. Challenges Faced: 1. Limited Access to Technology: A significant number of women lack access to essential digital tools, hindering their participation in the digital economy. 2. Unequal Educational Opportunities: Disparities in education contribute to a lack of digital literacy among women, further exacerbating the divide. 3. Underrepresentation in Tech Sectors: The tech industry remains male-dominated, making it challenging for women to break into and thrive in these fields. Case Study Initiatives in Kenya 1. Digital Literacy Programs Recognizing the importance of digital skills, organizations in Kenya have implemented targeted digital literacy programs for women. These initiatives aim to empower women with the necessary skills to navigate the digital landscape. 2. Mentorship Programs Mentorship programs connect experienced professionals with aspiring women in the tech industry. These relationships provide guidance, support, and valuable insights, helping women overcome barriers in their career paths. 3. Equal Opportunity Initiatives Kenyan businesses and governmental bodies are increasingly promoting equal opportunities for women in the tech sector. Initiatives that foster a more inclusive work environment contribute to breaking down traditional gender barriers. Success Story From Rural Roots to Digital Heights: Ann’s Empowering Journey to Bridge the Educational Divide In the picturesque rural landscapes of Kenya, Ann, a resilient and visionary woman, embarked on a transformative journey that transcended the limitations of her surroundings. Hailing from a place where accessing education is a formidable challenge, Ann’s story is a testament to the empowering potential of the digital space in even the most remote corners of the world. Growing up in a village where educational opportunities were scarce, Ann faced the harsh reality of limited access to formal schooling. Undeterred by these challenges, she harbored a deep desire to break free from the educational constraints that often stifled dreams in rural communities. Ann’s turning point came when she learned about the possibilities offered by the digital world. Armed with determination, she set out to find a simple smartphone, a gateway to a universe of knowledge and opportunities. With her newfound device, Ann began her journey to unravel the mysteries of the digital realm. Understanding the transformative potential of social media, Ann dedicated herself to learning and harnessing its power. Through self-paced online courses and tutorials, she acquired the skills needed to navigate basic social media platforms. Recognizing the potential impact on her community, Ann sought to share this knowledge with fellow women who, like her, yearned for a chance to break free from educational constraints. Motivated by a desire to uplift her community, Ann initiated local workshops using her smartphone as a powerful tool for education. She taught women in her village about basic social media platforms, emphasizing their potential to connect, learn, and empower. These workshops became a communal space where women discovered the possibilities of the digital world. Through her teachings, Ann created a supportive network of women who shared experiences, ideas, and aspirations. The digital sisterhood that emerged became a source of inspiration and solidarity, empowering each member to explore new horizons and redefine their roles in the community. Ann’s grassroots efforts did not go unnoticed. Her story gained international attention, highlighting the impact of digital education in bridging the educational divide. Ann’s journey became a beacon of hope, illustrating how a simple smartphone could transform lives and empower women in even the most remote corners of the world. Today, Ann’s legacy lives on as a testament to the transformative power of the digital space. Her journey from a rural village to the global stage showcases the potential for technology to break down barriers, empower individuals, and create a more inclusive world. In the heart of rural Kenya, Ann’s story echoes, reminding us that empowerment knows no geographical boundaries. It is a journey fueled by determination, resilience, and the unwavering belief that education, facilitated by the digital space, can truly change lives. Conclusion The digital gender gap in Kenya presents a significant barrier to women’s economic empowerment. However, through targeted initiatives such as digital literacy programs, mentorship initiatives, and equal opportunity efforts, positive strides are being made. By collectively addressing these challenges, Kenya can build a more inclusive and empowered digital future, ensuring that women contribute meaningfully to the nation’s economic growth. Call to Action: As we celebrate success stories, let’s continue supporting initiatives that bridge the digital gender gap. Together, we can create a future where every woman in Kenya has the tools and opportunities to thrive in the digital economy. *#DigitalGenderGap #WomenInTech #KenyaEmpowersWomen #DigitalInclusion #TechForChange* [...]
December 15, 2023NewsCOP 28 Blog, December 14 Where is the justice in Climate Justice? My Reflections from COP 28 By Cindy Kobei, CRAWN Trust Four days ago, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights celebrated its 75th birthday. You’d think there’s every reason for a party. But in Dubai where the UNFCCC COP 28 was being held it was not that simple. For years people have fought to have human rights integrated into international climate policy. Think of the right to clean air, the right to development, right to health and even the right to life. All of this is increasingly under pressure, especially for people in climate-vulnerable areas. Women and children are particularly hard hit by the climate crisis, especially indigenous peoples in developing countries. Just think of the increasing drought and floods in parts of Kenya and Africa. Women are usually the ones who provide water and fend for the entire household. If you have to walk not 5 but 20 kilometers a day, you won’t have time for anything else. And that’s just one simple example. We work together with government, other NGOs within and beyond the women’s movements to draw more attention to the effects of the climate crisis on women. The UN has drawn up a Gender Action Plan to support this. But its implementation runs into the same barriers as other parts of international climate policy: unwillingness and money. CRAWN Trust is working with the State Department of Gender and Affirmative Action to ensure that Kenya domesticates the enhanced Lima Work Programme on Gender and its Gender Action Plan which was adopted in 2019 during the 25th UNFCCC COP. The action plan will guide gender responsive climate policies at the national and county level. As long as it is not recognized that international climate policy must go hand in hand with achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the situation worldwide will deteriorate. Many rich countries profess that they are working on this, but in practice they are mainly concerned with business-as-usual: economic growth in their own country. Perhaps slightly greener growth than thirty years ago – for which the necessary raw materials are happily sourced from the same poor(er) countries like our country, Kenya. A delegate from Kenya sounded a warning in Dubai: it won’t be long before widespread unrest breaks out. Food shortages and climate migration are already commonplace in Kenya and elsewhere. Moreover, Kenya’s President William Ruto recently remarked that, due to rising interest rates, Africa will have to pay $62 billion debt repayments this year, which is 35% more than in 2022. “If you don’t solve the debt issue, you can’t solve the climate issue,” he said. But the big question is ‘Why is there too much talk but not much action?’ For 28 years world leaders have been convening to ‘discuss’ how to tackle the climate crisis and yet there is not much to show for it other than more debt especially in most African countries. Apparently there are still two realities: the Western one, which uses the climate summits mainly as a good opportunity to do business-as-usual, even if that’s a bit greener than before; and the daily reality of most of the world’s population. They fight for their survival in a world that cares less and less about them. A bridge will have to be built quickly, otherwise the consequences will be incalculable. Let’s not forget that the climate COPs were originally intended for that… Let’s turn back to what actually happened in Dubai the past two weeks. The ministers continued to make speeches, just like yesterday. And there have been countless rounds of consultations, mostly behind closed doors and till very late. That makes it difficult for observers to keep track of the state of affairs. Unfortunately, that’s what happens when you break everything down instead of keeping an eye on the big picture. Or, in the words of a judge from Uganda who is part of our team: “These climate summits are similar to what happened during slavery. If you let people work till they drop, they forget everything they ever knew and get used to being slaves. These technical negotiations are of no use; we need actual climate justice. And it is not even national interests that block that, but the interests of a small group of extremely wealthy people who manipulate the entire world to their will.” I have nothing to add to that but to keep advancing climate justice with conviction, boldness and foresight acknowledging that what happens in COP reflects the complexities in our world! [...]
November 8, 2023NewsIn a world where gender equality and women’s empowerment are gaining momentum, Kenya has made significant strides in upholding and promoting women’s rights, backed by an extensive legal and policy framework. The Constitution of Kenya 2010, in particular, lays a robust foundation for gender equality and empowerment. Nevertheless, despite these advances, gaps remain in realizing the vision of fully empowered women with equal opportunities to men. Key Findings 1. The Unresolved Issue of Women’s Representation : A significant gap in Kenya’s journey towards gender equality is the failure of Parliament to enact legislation ensuring enhanced representation of women, as mandated by Article 100. The long-pending realization of the two-thirds gender rule, as provided under Article 81 of the Constitution, is a glaring concern. 2. Challenges in Implementing Existing Laws: Even when laws are in place to advance women’s access to better opportunities, implementation remains a challenge. The intended benefits of these laws, aimed at improving women’s lives, are often less evident in practice. 3. Limited Access to Productive Resources: Women in Kenya still face difficulties in owning land, both for agricultural and non-agricultural purposes. This lack of legal rights to land and agricultural produce is particularly concerning, given that women make up the majority of the agricultural sector. 4. Multi-Dimensional Challenges for Equity: Women living in rural areas, with lower educational achievements, and often having lower incomes and wealth, face greater obstacles in life. They are frequently excluded from various opportunities. 5. Negative Cultural Practice: While many Kenyan societies have moved away from negative social norms that held women back, remnants of these practices, including norms around gender violence, women’s property rights, and political participation, persist. Recommendations The report presents a set of crucial recommendations to address these gaps and promote gender equality and women’s empowerment in Kenya. 1. Formulation of the Two-Thirds Gender Rule: Parliament should expedite the review of the electoral system to realize the provisions of Article 81 of the Constitution. The government should strive to have the necessary legislation in place before the next electoral cycle. 2. Removal of Structural Barriers: Efforts should be made to address structural barriers such as the rural-urban divide, low education levels, and poverty that hinder women’s empowerment. Promoting girls’ education is identified as a key enabler for women’s rights, including political participation and property ownership. 3. Confronting Negative Social Norms: Government and civil society should collaborate to help women challenge and dismantle societal norms that hold them back. Educational and advocacy campaigns should be designed to change perceptions that women are less deserving of leadership opportunities, property ownership, and social services. 4. Deepening Social Protection Programs: Social protection programs should be expanded to address gender inequality. This includes promoting education for girls and women, improving access to health and education services, and amplifying women’s voices at the household and community levels. 5. Strengthening Political Participation for Women: Political parties should grant women preferential opportunities and strengthen their space for female candidates. An all-encompassing, multi-agency approach involving the Office of the Registrar of Political Parties (ORPP), the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC), and the Communications Authority of Kenya (CAK) is recommended to enhance women’s political participation. 6. Women Involvement in Climate Change Action: Women are disproportionately affected by climate change. Therefore, they should be equally represented in discussions on climate change to introduce a gender-responsive approach to the climate emergency. 7. Understanding the Opportunity Cost: The report highlights the cost of not implementing policies and legislation on women’s rights due to a lack of political goodwill. Further research and evidence-based advocacy are recommended to assess the impact of not implementing these legal provisions. Conclusion Kenya has made commendable progress in advancing women’s rights, yet there are significant challenges to overcome. The recommendations in this report provide a roadmap for closing the gaps and creating a more equitable and empowered society where women have the same opportunities and rights as men. It is a call to action for policymakers, civil society, and all Kenyan citizens to work together to achieve true gender equality. [...]
September 29, 2023News / Thematic AreasIn a significant stride towards addressing the gendered dimensions of climate change, the National Gender, and Climate Change Action Plan (NGCCAP) Co-Creation Workshop took place on September 25-26, 2023. Climate change impacts are far from gender-neutral, often exacerbating existing inequalities. Globally, the vulnerabilities and resilience levels of men and women differ, influenced not only by gender but also by factors such as ethnicity, religion, class, location, ability, education, and age. Recognizing these complexities, the workshop aimed to develop a comprehensive plan to mainstream gender considerations into climate change initiatives. Workshop Overview Goals and Objectives Goal: The overarching goal of the NGCCAP is to integrate gender considerations into climate change policies and actions, aligning with the UNFCCC Gender Action Plan and translating global goals into actionable national strategies. Objectives: Understanding the Nexus: Increase awareness of the interconnection between gender and climate change. Mainstreaming Gender: Promote the integration of gender into climate-related policies, programs, and strategies across sectors. Enhancing Participation: Increase the involvement of vulnerable groups, particularly women, youth, and persons with disabilities, in national and international climate change dialogues. Monitoring and Evaluation: Establish a gender-responsive monitoring and evaluation system for collecting and disseminating sex and gender-disaggregated data on climate change issues. Budgeting for Gender: Promote gender-responsive budgeting in climate finance. Coordinated Implementation: Facilitate a coordinated approach to the implementation of gender and climate change initiatives by various stakeholders.   Co-Creation Workshop Objectives   Stakeholder Engagement: Ensure active participation of diverse stakeholders, both governmental and non-governmental, to collaboratively address gender-related climate challenges. Goal Setting and Strategy Development: Define clear goals and create strategies that integrate gender considerations into Kenya’s climate actions, aligning with national development plans. Capacity Building and Monitoring: Identify capacity gaps, plan for resource mobilization, and establish a monitoring framework to track progress in implementing gender-responsive climate actions, promoting inclusivity and ownership throughout the process. Workshop Proceedings Group Notes and Discussions The workshop began with in-depth discussions on gender roles and responsibilities concerning climate change vulnerability and adaptation. Analyses were conducted on how distinct gender roles, access to resources, and decision-making power contribute to varying levels of vulnerability. The participants explored strategic approaches to address negative adaptive capacities in education, health, nutrition, and economic opportunities, considering socio-cultural, policy, and legal environments. Development of NGCCAP The NGCCAP aims to bridge the gap in the implementation of gender priorities in climate change actions. Kenya recognizes the importance of a coordinated framework to holistically implement and report on gender interventions. The workshop marks a crucial step toward the development of the NGCCAP for the period 2023-2027. Conclusion The NGCCAP Co-Creation Workshop was a pivotal event, emphasizing the urgency of addressing gender disparities in climate change responses. The developed Action Plan is poised to become a guiding document, ensuring that gender considerations are at the forefront of Kenya’s climate initiatives. The commitment to inclusivity and the active engagement of stakeholders reflect Kenya’s dedication to creating a climate-res     [...]
July 25, 2023Leadership and Governance / NewsREPORT ON THE WOMEN’S ECONOMIC FORUM – KENYA 2023 – Final EDITED BY ANDREW (1) The Women’s Economic Forum Conference Report Handover took place on 24th July 2023, organized by the Community Advocacy and Awareness Trust (CRAWN Trust), a non-profit organization working towards empowering African women and girls in various spheres. The conference aimed to foster women’s economic emancipation and their active participation in Kenya’s economic recovery. The Women Voices and Leadership Program funded by Global Affairs Canada (GAC), the University of Nairobi Women’s Economic Empowerment Hub (UON WEE Hub), Akina Mama wa Afrika, and UN Women supported the event. The conference was designed as a multi-stakeholder platform, bringing together various stakeholders from different sectors, including captains of industry, high-ranking government officials, private sector representatives, non-state actors, development partners, thought leaders, women’s rights organizations, media, and academia. Objectives: The primary objective of the Women’s Economic Forum Conference Report Handover was to present the findings and recommendations from the Women’s Economic Forum 2023 and initiate a dialogue with policymakers to ensure women’s active contribution to Kenya’s economic recovery. The event aimed to provide critical information to guide government interventions in addressing barriers and enhancing women’s participation and economic contribution. Agenda: The conference report handover event featured a half-day meeting with the following agenda items: Handover of the WEF-K Conference Report: The event commenced with the official handover of the Women’s Economic Forum Conference Report. This comprehensive report documented the discussions, outcomes, and recommendations from the Women’s Economic Forum 2023. Presentation of Women’s Economic Empowerment (WEE) Priority Agenda: Following the report handover, CRAWN Trust presented the Women’s Economic Empowerment Priority Agenda, which outlined specific action points and recommendations to empower women economically and promote their participation in the country’s economic growth. AGPO (Access to Government Procurement Opportunities): This session focused on how women can access and benefit from AGPO. It also addressed concerns regarding women’s dwindling renewal of AGPO membership and pending payments to suppliers within the system. Export Processing Zones (EPZ): Participants discussed the framework of Export Processing Zones and their connection to cottage industries. The session also explored ways for women already engaged in cottage industries to tap into the EPZ platform for growth and expansion. Outcomes and Impact: The Women’s Economic Forum Conference Report Handover successfully brought together key stakeholders from diverse sectors to address the challenges faced by women in Kenya and propose solutions to enhance their economic participation. The event emphasized the significance of collaboration among government institutions, civil society, academia, and the private sector to empower women economically and create a more inclusive economy. Conclusion: The Women’s Economic Forum Conference Report Handover event served as a vital platform for advocating women’s economic empowerment in Kenya. The conference report and the Women’s Economic Empowerment Priority Agenda presented valuable insights and recommendations that will guide policymakers and organizations in formulating targeted interventions. The commitment shown by Hon. Aisha Jumwa Katana, Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Public Service, Gender, and Affirmative Action, and other attendees is a promising sign of progress towards a more equitable and prosperous economic landscape for women in Kenya. With continued efforts and partnerships, it is hoped that women’s economic participation will be strengthened, leading to sustainable development and economic growth in the country.     [...]
June 8, 2023News / Social-Economic EmpowermentUrban food systems and agroecology advocacy are both important aspects of sustainable and resilient food production in urban areas. Let’s discuss each concept in more detail: Urban Food Systems: Urban food systems refer to the complex networks and processes involved in producing, processing, distributing, consuming, and disposing food in urban areas. These systems encompass a range of activities, from urban agriculture and rooftop gardens to farmers’ markets, community-supported agriculture, and food waste management. Advocacy for urban food systems focuses on promoting sustainable, equitable, and resilient food production and distribution within cities. It aims to address various challenges such as food insecurity, environmental degradation, and social inequality. Key advocacy objectives include: Urban Agriculture: Encouraging and supporting food cultivation within cities, utilizing spaces such as vacant lots, rooftops, and vertical gardens. Local Food Production: Promoting local food production reduces reliance on long-distance transportation, decreases greenhouse gas emissions, and supports local economies. Food Access and Equity: Advocating for equal access to nutritious and affordable food for all urban residents, regardless of income or location, through initiatives such as community gardens, farmers’ markets, and food banks. Food Waste Reduction: Promoting strategies to reduce food waste at all stages of the urban food system, including production, processing, distribution, and consumption. Policy and Planning: Engaging with policymakers and urban planners to integrate food systems thinking into urban development plans and policies, recognizing the importance of food security and sustainability 2. Agroecology: Agroecology is an approach to agriculture that emphasizes ecological principles and sustainable farming practices. It aims to enhance the resilience and productivity of agricultural systems while minimizing negative environmental impacts. Advocacy for agroecology focuses on promoting and implementing these practices in both rural and urban settings. Key elements of agroecology advocacy include: Agroecology: Encouraging the adoption of agroecological principles, which integrate ecological knowledge with traditional and modern agricultural practices. This approach emphasizes biodiversity, soil health, natural pest management, and the reduction of synthetic inputs. Sustainable Farming Techniques: Advocating for the use of sustainable farming techniques such as organic farming, permaculture, conservation agriculture, and agroforestry. These methods promote soil conservation, water efficiency, and the preservation of natural resources. Farmer Support and Education: Providing training, resources, and technical assistance to farmers, helping them transition to more sustainable and regenerative farming practices. Research and Innovation: Promoting research and innovation in agroecology, including the development of new technologies, tools, and practices that support sustainable farming systems. Policy and Market Support: Engaging with policymakers, consumers, and market actors to create supportive policies and market demand for sustainably produced food. This includes promoting certification schemes, labelling, and fair-trade practices. Advocacy for both urban food systems and agroecology aims to transform the way food is produced and consumed, fostering more sustainable, resilient, and equitable food systems. These approaches contribute to the overall well-being of communities and the planet by addressing environmental, social, and economic challenges. Click to watch CRAWN Trust’s plan on Urban Food Systems and Agroecology   [...]
June 7, 2023NewsNairobi River, one of Kenya’s vital water bodies, took centre stage during a clean-up event held at Kamukunji Park Grounds. Organized by the Community Advocacy and Awareness Trust (CRAWN Trust) in conjunction with the Kenya Environment Conservation Champions (KECC), the event aimed to restore the cleanliness and ecological balance of the river. The Canadian High Commission, represented by Mr Warren Mucci, also extended its support to such community-based organizations (CBOs) involved in environmental initiatives. The event witnessed the presence of esteemed government officials and representatives, demonstrating their commitment to the restoration of the Nairobi River. Commissioner Elijah Biamah, representing the Nairobi River Commission, highlighted their primary objective of rejuvenating the river. Additionally, the Assistant County Commissioner, County Administrator Mr Ronald, and the Personal Assistant to the area Member of Parliament, Mohammed Nur, assured their support on the government’s behalf to enhance the river’s cleanliness. MCA South B, Waithera Chege, emphasized her relentless efforts to ensure a garbage-free Nairobi through the introduction of bills and collaboration with CRAWN Trust to educate women on maintaining a clean environment. Her dedication was recognized and appreciated by the attendees. During the event, the Chairperson of KECC stressed the importance of maintaining Kamukunji Park as a symbol of Kenya’s natural beauty. The park, once restored, is expected to become one of the most recognized parks in the country. The park’s resources, including the Nairobi River, were highlighted as crucial elements requiring preservation. The park has been divided into various sections, such as a mental health corner, a recreational area for hosting parties, and a wall of fame. Daisy Amdany, the Executive Director of CRAWN Trust, expressed gratitude to all the supporters of the clean-up initiative. She emphasized the significance of such support in achieving the organization’s goals. Stakeholders generously donated reflectors, gumboots, spades, and brooms to KECC, enabling them to continue their clean-up efforts effectively. The Nairobi River Clean Up event at Kamukunji Park Grounds served as a reminder of the collective responsibility to preserve and restore the Nairobi River. The collaboration between various organizations, government officials, and community representatives showcased a unified commitment towards environmental conservation and the creation of a cleaner and healthier Nairobi.   [...]
May 31, 2023News / Thematic AreasIntroduction: World Environment Day is just around the corner, and we have an exciting opportunity for you to make a tangible difference in our city. Nairobi River, a lifeline to our community, needs our help. Join us on June 5th, 2023, at Kamukunji Park Grounds for a massive clean-up exercise that aims to restore the health and beauty of the Nairobi River. Together, we can create a cleaner and more sustainable environment for everyone to enjoy. Event Details: 📅 Date: June 5th, 2023 ⏰ Time: 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM 📍 Location: Kamukunji Park Grounds, Nairobi Activities: During the clean-up exercise, we will focus on the following activities: Riverbank Clean-up: Removing trash and debris along the Nairobi River’s banks, preventing pollution and enhancing the river’s natural ecosystem. Waste Segregation: Sorting and properly disposing of collected waste to minimize environmental impact and promote recycling efforts. Awareness Campaign: Spreading awareness about the importance of clean rivers, educating participants and the community about the significance of preserving our waterways. Open to All: This event is open to individuals of all ages, backgrounds, and abilities. Whether you are a student, working professional, nature enthusiast, or concerned citizen, your participation is invaluable. Bring your friends, family, and colleagues to multiply our impact and make a positive change together. How to Get Involved: To join us in this noble cause, simply visit our social media accounts @crawntrust on all platforms, leave a comment on the poster and let’s meet at Kamukunji Park Grounds. What to Bring: Protective Gear: We highly recommend wearing gloves, closed-toe shoes, and comfortable clothing that you don’t mind getting dirty. Water Bottle: Stay hydrated throughout the event by bringing your reusable water bottle. Sunscreen and Hat: Protect yourself from the sun’s rays by bringing sunscreen and a hat. Snacks: Pack some energy-boosting snacks to keep you fueled during the clean-up. Together, Let’s Make a Difference: By participating in the Nairobi River clean-up exercise, you are taking a proactive step toward preserving our environment and securing a cleaner future for generations to come. Join us on World Environment Day and be a part of the positive change we wish to see in our city. We look forward to seeing you at Kamukunji Park Grounds on June 5th as we stand united for a cleaner Nairobi River! #WorldEnvironmentDay #CleanNairobiRiver #KamukunjiPark #JoinTheCleanUp [...]
May 10, 2023NewsA meeting was held at the office of the Cabinet Secretary for Public Service, Affirmative Action, and Gender in Kenya, Hon. Aisha Jumwa Katana, on 4th May 2023. The meeting was attended by women leaders and representatives from various Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) under the National Women Steering Committee and the Civil Society Parliamentary Engagement Network. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the proposals presented in the Presidential Memo sent to the Parliament on 9th December 2022. This report outlines the key discussions and recommendations made during the meeting. Implementation of the Two-Thirds Gender Rule: The attendees expressed their appreciation for the President’s commitment to implementing the Constitution, particularly concerning women’s inclusion in leadership positions. They noted that the Two-Thirds Gender Principle has faced significant delays in its realization and raised concerns about the Parliament’s continued sessions despite being unconstitutionally constituted. Recommendations: a) The proposed formula presented in the Presidential Memo was found to be erroneous, as it did not reflect the correct composition of the National Assembly. The attendees recommended a top-up of thirty-six women, instead of the proposed twenty-four, to bring the total number of women in the National Assembly to 117, in compliance with the Constitution. b) An amendment to Article 98(b) was proposed, suggesting the deletion of “women” and the insertion of “special seats” to meet the Two-Thirds Gender Principle. c) It was proposed that a bill be tabled in Parliament to operationalize Article 100, ensuring equal representation of women, youth, persons with disabilities (PWDs), marginalized communities, and ethnic and other minorities. d) The attendees welcomed the proposal to establish a fund to promote inclusion and political participation. They recommended expanding the fund to cover other groups and renaming it the “Inclusion and Political Participation Fund.” They also proposed amending the Political Parties Act 2011 to allocate 30% of political parties’ funds to the Inclusion and Political Participation Fund, with strengthened accountability mechanisms. e) A suggestion was made to insert Section 28(3) in line with Article 81(b) to ensure that political parties submit lists that adhere to the Two-Thirds Gender Principle. Constituency Development, Senate Oversight, and National Government Affirmative Action Funds: The attendees acknowledged the judiciary’s determination on the Constituency Development Fund (CDF) and proposed the creation of an Equalization Fund under Article 204(A). They also noted an overlap and duplication in the application of the National Government Constituency Development Fund (NGCDF) and the National Government Affirmative Action Fund (NGAAF) and recommended establishing clear demarcation and accountability mechanisms for these funds. The Leader of Official Opposition: The creation of the Office of Leader of Official Opposition was supported to enhance inclusivity, stability, democracy, and checks and balances. However, it was emphasized that the establishment and operation of this office must be in line with the law. The attendees recommended clearly defining the office’s operations, funding mechanisms, composition, and functions. They also suggested allocating moderate resources to the office and exploring avenues for support from donors and the international community. Parliamentary Oversight of the Executive: The President’s proposal to facilitate Cabinet Secretaries’ and Chief Administrative Secretaries’ participation in parliamentary proceedings was discussed. The attendees pointed out that Cabinet Secretaries are already required to appear before corresponding house committees, and this approach was deemed sufficient for enhancing parliamentary oversight of the Executive. They emphasized the need to uphold the doctrine of Separation of Powers [...]
May 10, 2023NewsSustainable ventures are businesses or initiatives that prioritize environmental and social responsibility alongside economic viability. These ventures aim to create positive change and address pressing issues such as climate change, social inequality, and resource depletion. One program that can be used to support and enhance sustainable ventures, particularly those operating within collectives, is FAIDIKA. FAIDIKA is an innovative platform designed to facilitate collaboration, resource sharing, and knowledge exchange among collective members. Let us explore the fundamentals of sustainable ventures using FAIDIKA and how it can benefit collectives. Collaboration and Resource Sharing: FAIDIKA provides a platform for collectives to collaborate effectively. It allows members to connect, communicate, and share resources, expertise, and best practices. Through FAIDIKA, collective members can pool their knowledge and skills, enabling them to overcome challenges, innovate, and create synergies that drive sustainability efforts forward. This collaborative approach fosters a sense of shared purpose and facilitates collective action towards sustainable goals. Access to Funding and Investment: FAIDIKA can serve as a gateway for sustainable ventures within collectives to access funding and investment opportunities. The platform provides a space for showcasing projects and initiatives, attracting potential investors, and connecting with impact-focused funding sources. By leveraging FAIDIKA’s network and resources, collectives can increase their visibility, credibility, and chances of securing financial support to scale their sustainable ventures. Learning and Capacity Building: FAIDIKA offers a range of learning resources and capacity-building programs tailored to sustainable ventures. These resources can include online courses, webinars, mentorship opportunities, and access to subject matter experts. Through FAIDIKA, collectives can enhance their members’ skills and knowledge in areas such as sustainable business practices, impact measurement, and social entrepreneurship. This empowers collective members to drive their sustainable ventures effectively and adapt to changing circumstances. Impact Measurement and Reporting: FAIDIKA supports the measurement, tracking, and reporting of the social and environmental impact generated by sustainable ventures within collectives. It provides tools and frameworks to assess and quantify the positive outcomes and contributions of these ventures. This feature allows collectives to demonstrate their impact to stakeholders, investors, and the wider community, reinforcing their credibility and accountability. Networking and Partnerships: FAIDIKA facilitates networking and partnership-building opportunities for collectives engaged in sustainable ventures. The platform connects them with like-minded individuals, organizations, and potential collaborators who share similar values and objectives. By expanding their network, collectives can access valuable insights, leverage shared resources, and explore collaborations that amplify their collective impact. Incorporating FAIDIKA into the operations of collectives engaged in sustainable ventures can significantly enhance their effectiveness, collaboration, and overall impact. It provides a digital infrastructure that supports the growth, visibility, and sustainability of these ventures. Through FAIDIKA, collectives can leverage the power of collaboration, access funding opportunities, enhance their knowledge and skills, measure their impact, and build valuable partnerships, creating a more sustainable and resilient future for all. [...]
January 19, 2023NewsNestled along the Naivasha Nakuru highway is seedsavers. A local organization solely preserving foods indigenous to Kenya. Started in 2009, the organisation’s mandate is to conserve agrobiodiversity by strengthening communities’ seed systems for improved seed access and enhanced food sovereignty. Through research, the organization has identified issues ailing the agro – ecology sector. This includes lack of free and open access of seeds to small scale famers due to patent and breeder rights mostly set by commercial producers of seeds. To mitigate this, the organization has started a community seed bank that conserves seeds whose genetic composition is not can be traced to Kenyan farmers. The organization also takes farmers through training on how to monitor, harvest and preserve seeds for planting. This ensures a continuity in nutritiously advantageous crops, access of seeds by farmers for planting and preservation of community heirlooms.   Commercialisation and over hype of perfection is also a contributor to the styles used during farming. Consumers are used to picking perfect foods from shelves which drives up sales. The organization is on a journey to change attitudes on food so that we consume food that is good for us and not that which is only aesthetically pleasing. By relying on local knowledge, the organization is leading farmers in using local, ecofriendly ways of farming. This includes embracing local remedies to diseases and pests that might not work at a hundred percent like modern chemicals but do not affect the soil as well as the consumer. Women are the majority of farmers especially in small scale and are the custodian of seed. These activities however are not considered ‘revenue-generating’ and thus women tend to lack resources to advance or explore other economic areas. Due to this and the fact that in most households, women dictate the food and its source, CRAWN Trust in partnership with seedsavers seeks to empower women in urban settings to have a reliable food source. Through practical training, support in set-up of kitchen gardens and provision of seed knowledge, the partners want to ease the impacts of food insecurity. By setting up food hubs in Nairobi and neighboring counties, families can have gardens to substitute their food source which is mainly through purchase. This also elevates the financial pressure implicated by the need to feed one’s family.   [...]
January 19, 2023NewsKenya Women Parliamentary Organisation (KEWOPA) is the secretariat  for all women legislatures. The organisation’s mandate is to strengthen women leadership in a democratic manner. The organization is supported by women legislatures as well as partners in diverse fields. After every election year, the organization invites new and repeat women legislatures for an induction meeting that serves as an experience sharing platform for leaders, agenda setting as well as networking. This year’s theme was: Driving change: The value of women in leadership. During the meeting, the member had several sessions that highlighted different aspects of their legislative work and personal life. Starting off was the analysis on the legislative gaps and opportunities available in order to serve citizens better. This session gave members a chance to air gaps in their respective offices such as policy frameworks and development. Hon. Aisha Jumwa, Cabinet secretary of Gender, talked on the need for women to work in unison. She noted that many at times issues affecting women can only be tabled and lobbied by women and if they are united in the respective houses than it is easier to get other members’ support. In her speech, she also delved on the need for members to have a niche. “ You cannot be conversant with every topic. Choose your niche and extensively research on it so that when motions come, you are well equipped,” she said. The speaker of the national assembly, Hon. Moses Wetangula and speaker of senate, Hon Amason Kingi joined the induction meeting, an act that hasn’t been seen before. This offered women leaders a chance to engage the two speakers on different issues. This included but not limited to policies such as the sexual harassment policy, the two thirds gender principle a matter that has had challenges in the houses, delegation of finances as well as support during formulation and passing of bills funded by women. In his speech, Hon Moses Wetangula encouraged women to speak out in parliament in numbers and exercise their mandate and rights as stipulated in the constitution. Both promised support to women in their respective houses especially on issues that bring equality. Her excellency Cecily Mbarire, Governor Embu county also shared on her prowess having served as a member of parliament before becoming governor. He message was clear; take care of your self before taking care of others. The induction also served as a space for the legislatures to gain knowledge from private stakeholders in the civil society space, development, finance, communication and innovation. Speakers from banks, media houses and developers such as google were present offering members a chance to tap into their knowledge on issues financial health and safe practices on social media. [...]
October 31, 2022NewsCSOs from Kenya led by OXFAM, WWF, SUSWATCH Kenya, SEAF-K, CARE KENYA, KCCWG, CRAWN-TRUST, Christian Aid, HIVOs, KPCG among others come together to develop a Kenyan CSOs position ahead of #cop27 in Egypt from 7th to 18th Nov 2022. [...]
October 31, 2022News The green champions of change project is a project championed to ensure the participation of women and other marginalized groups in climate change process and other governance processes to ensure representation in decision making. [...]
September 14, 2022NewsThe Kenyan constitution 2010 recognizes aspirations of all Kenyans based on human rights, equality, freedom, democracy, social justice and the rule of law. The participation and inclusion of women, youth and people with disability in the political and electoral process is enshrined as an imperative in the constitution with article 81 (B & C) and article 100 requiring the necessary legislation to ensure that the electoral process provides for their representation. While Kenya is recognized as a bastion of democracy in Africa, the truth is our electoral processes is characterized by exclusion and is  marred with irregularities, malpractice including voter bribery, a lack of transparency and for the most part tend to be violent akin to going to war. Voters are ill informed on the value of this civic process in manifesting their sovereign power and the will of the people, contributing to their failure to hold leaders and state institutions to account. Efforts at improving our electoral process have been well canvased over the years with clear recommendations made in the Kriegler report which we are yet to implement.   Women, youth and people with disability have been designated  as special interest groups ( a designation not given in the constitution) and through this labeling have been  robbed of their fundamental human rights and entitlement to participate in the political and electoral process.  This is manifested by the fact since the first election under the new constitution in 2013, the not more than two thirds gender principle has not been implemented despite numerous court orders including a dissolution order for parliament,  Article 81 (c)providing for the  fair representation of person with disability has bot been implemented and article 100 providing for parliament to enact the necessary legislations to provide for the participation of women, youth and other marginalized groups remains unimplemented.   During the development of the charter of inclusion by CRAWN Trust, it was shocking to discover that in 2017 despite the provision of article 177 (B &C) over 10 counties failed to nominate the necessary women to ensure  not more than two thirds of the assembly were of the same gender and failed to nominate the  necessary numbers to ensure the representation of persons with disability. This means political parties nominated men for women seats and abled bodied persons for people with disability seats, in clear contravention of the constitution displaying their contempt for constitutionalism and the rule of law manifesting the deep-seated impunity that characterizes our political landscape. Article 2 of the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights which Kenya is a signatory to, enshrines the principle of non-discrimination on the grounds of race, ethnic group, color, sex, language, religion, political or any other opinion, national and social origin, fortune, birth or other status. Article 18 calls on all States Parties to eliminate every discrimination against women and to ensure the protection of the rights of women as stipulated in international declarations and conventions  The constitution of Kenya mandates that the independent electoral and boundaries commission should provide braille materials for the voting process but as observed in the general election 2022, the commission failed to provide this citing budgetary constraints. This speaks to the callousness and casualness with which state institutions take the principle of inclusion which is a cardinal pillar interwoven throughout in the architecture of the constitution 2010.  While we commend the registrar of political parties Madam Ann Nderitu, for the good work that she has done and continues to do with political parties, we expect a lot more from the ORPP particularly on  matters inclusion. Political parties are the premium gateway to leadership and decision making spaces in Kenya and therefore hold the key to ensuring the inclusion of previously marginalized groups in political and electoral processes. They are mandated by law  to carry out  programmes to include women, youth and people with disability in political party activities and are funded by tax payers for this; however, we have seen little to none of this.  Women, youth and people with disability party leagues have virtually no say about their inclusion and participation even in party processes. These women and youth groups have been a powerful resource for mobilising and organising for political parties and their candidates for the ballot but beyond the ballot, they have no pride of place. We have witnessed many women get short changed in the primary processes ensuring few get to the ballot with nominations being reserved for cronies and family in contravention of our constitution. The 2022 election has given us something to celebrate as we have seen an increase in elected women, youth and persons with disability despite the lack of enabling legislation and the many hurdles along the way but we are still far from the promise. For marginalised groups, it is not yet Uhuru. [...]
August 12, 2022News“One of the biggest barriers to women participating in elections and taking leadership positions is violence against women in elections (VAWiE), which includes physical, verbal, and psychological abuse in both public and private settings as well as more recent cyber-based assault.” Said Daisy Amdany, Executive Director of CRAWN Trust during the launch of the SayVU mobile application on 5th August 2022 at Sarova Stanley Hotel. CRAWN Trust, a change catalyst, provides African women and girls with the tools, voice, and platforms through which they can effect change at the individual family, community, regional, national, and continental levels in economic, social, and political spheres.  As part of the organisation’s  Leadership and Governance programme, CRAWN Trust seeks to contribute to ensuring increased safety measures for women engaging in the electoral processes as voters, aspirants, and candidates and to build solidarity and linkages to promote inclusion of women in the electoral process.  The organisation seeks to be instrumental in contributing significantly to addressing the scourge of Violence Against Women in Elections-VAWIE as well as all forms of domestic Gender and Sexual Based Violence-SGBV. CRAWN Trust with the support of UN Women, Global Affairs Canada, URAIA and the African Women’s Development Fund; in collaboration with New Revenue Solutions Africa, has partnered with Kenlinks Solutions Limited to make available to women the SayVU application. A solution to addressing the challenge of Violence against Women in Elections. SAYVU is a mobile sensing app for emergencies. It detects emergencies in real-time and autonomously communicates with emergency services when its users cannot. SayVU system provides an individual with the capacity to easily ask for help, while delivering dispatchers and first responders with complete and accurate information within seconds, for quick and efficient response Within a fraction of a second, it provides first responders with richer and fuller information on a user’s situation so that they can act faster and more effectively. Its components are: First responders – Police, Ambulance, IEBC, Family members etcProtected Users – End User who could be in Distress or the Woman in ElectionEmergency Contacts – Family members or next of kin                                                       Command and control centre                                                       Stakeholders How the App works NEED ARISES: Woman in Elections or User is in distress, or sees someone else in dangerALERT SENT: A prompt alert or report with a voice message, images and video is createdNOTICE RECEIVED: Command & Control Centre, First Responders, Emergency Contacts and Relevant AuthoritiesAID GRANTED: Aid is received, and All communication archived for further review Dr Charles Otieno a consultant with the National Police Service highlighted that there are dedicated police officers across the country that will respond to all the alarms received from women candidates on the ground. UN Women has sponsored 1000 downloads for women candidates and for the next 1001 downloads will cost the person 5 ksh a day. All partners have confirmed its practicability. Mary Njeri from UN Women encouraged participants during the launch to spread peace during this year’s elections. The Application is one of its election preparedness strategies [...]
August 10, 2022NewsOn Tuesday 2 August 2022, Crawn Trust launched the charter of inclusion. The Constitution of Kenya 2010 details the aspirations of the Kenyan people for an inclusive government. Article 10 (2)(a) that provides for National Values and Principles of Governance, Article 27 (1)) and (3) provides that empasises on equality and equal treatment of all in political, economic, cultural, and social spheres. Article 27(6) and (8) provide that the state must take legislative, policy and other measures, including affirmative action to redress the marginalisation of previously marginalised groups and in addition to those measures, ensure that there shall be not more than two thirds of any gender in elective and appointive public bodies. Further, Article 100 requires parliament to enact a law to promote the representation in parliament of women, persons with disabilities, youth, ethnic minorities and other minority and marginalized groups.  However, twelve years post promulgation, inclusion as envisioned in the constitution is yet to be implemented, perpetuating the continued the marginalisation of women, youth and persons with disability in leadership and governance in Kenya. It is against this backdrop that we developed the Charter of Inclusion which presents a renewed call and a standardised approach to advocate for the adherence to constitutionalism and specifically the right of representation of women, youth, and persons with disabilities in leadership and governance in Kenya and to fostering the spirit of inclusion and participation. The Charter of Inclusion documents practical and effective approaches that target institutions of governance to establish legally binding obligations to enforce the provisions of inclusivity and equality as enshrined in the Constitution of Kenya 2010 and other legally binding laws. The Charter of Inclusion also places demands on a wide range of state and political actors to foster the principles of inclusion and the participation of marginalised groups.The document calls out the state actors such as the IEBC too exercise its mandate ensuring inclusive and fair elections nomination, elections education materials that cater to all, regulating elections to ensure free, legitimate and accountable elections. Calls to non state actors such as the media to ensure equitable accessibility to information by women, youth and people living with disability, extensively use affirmative action to ensure the inclusivity of marginalized groups and use of inclusive language In collaboration with the human rights commission, CRAWN Trust organised a spectacular event and invited the public from all the country together with key players in the government, civic society, diplomats and humanitarian organizations . This included IPOA, UN Women, Canada in Kenya, national council of people living with disabilities council and Africa youth trust just to name a few. The speakers affirmed the need for state and non state actors to implement and ensure inclusivity in governance as guided by the 2010 constitution of KenyaIn line with these, key representatives were required to commit to ensuring the framework is implemented. Through this, the civic society and its partners can follow up while also working with implementors to devise more feasible actions to realise the inclusion of women, youth and people living disability. On the same day, CRAWN Trust launched the political economy analysis, a researched aimed at creating an understanding of how women are affected by and within political economy. Most of the poor people are employed in agriculture with the majority being women. The majority of the women in the rural areas spend a great deal of time on low productivity work which has created major income disparities between men and women. The reasons for gender disparities in employment opportunities include segregation in the labour market, social attitudes towards women, inadequate capacity on the part of women in terms of their knowledge and skills and lack of gender-responsive policies and programmes.Besides having to balance out the gender and political roles amidst entrenched patriarchal attitudes and systems in society, women are rarely included in political participation because of their lack of capital and limited access to power. Our social structure which follows patriachal rule still heavily influences political landscape in Kenya. To ensure the emancipation of women in the political sphere, political institutions, Women Political Movements party leagues and the media each have a role to play. At the end of the event, all in attendance agreed on the gaps identified in the document. The need to consider women in the elective process by putting into considerations issues such as stereotypes. Making civic education accessible to people living with disability. Continued consultation and collaboration with partners in different fields to ensure equality. You can access the full documents here; Charter of Inclusion Document [...]
July 28, 2022NewsAs Crawn trust, we are committed to give women tools and platforms that will enable them take up leadership positions. As observed in previous government, the 2/3 gender rule was not adhered to despite women rights organizations and civic societies lobbying for its implementation . Apart from that the civic society organization have been following on the implementation of electoral laws that seek to create a fair and balanced election.  Professor Karuti kanyinga and Tom Mboya of University of Nairobi did a survey on the campaign expenditure for the year 2017. The findings were that women spend more than their male counterparts in all elective positions apart from the senatorial seat. However only 18% of the women who contested were elected. The elections finance bill sought to control the expenditure during Kenya’s election period but failed to do so in 2017 with the high court suspending the implementation of the act and in 2022, the bill has been met with much opposition with most members of parliament arguing that their dealings are and should be kept private.  One of CRAWN Trust’s programs is Governance and Leadership and through this program we have worked with several leaders and aspirants. In  light of this, CRAWN Trust has come up with an innovative way to  promote the visibility  and voice of women  candidates  seeking leadership positions. In a digital age, endless opportunities present themselves on how we can support women seeking elective seats. One of these opportunities is online crowd funding. With the creation of a website integrated with online payment options, anyone in the world is able to contribute towards a noble cause that seeks to emancipate women.  Present in the site are women who have expressed interest and confidence in CRAWN Trust’s ability to deliver on its mandate. The platform offers women visibility to the voter and support from anyone in the country and beyond. Before committing to any donation, the user can interact with the candidate’s profile and view their manifestos.    The site is easy to navigate with tabs for each elective position. Included in the site are women seeking Member of Parliament positions, women representative positions and members of county assembly. Each of this candidates have their manifestos attached to their profiles tailored to their elective areas.   The site has a very easy to navigate user interface. As a user, you only need to view the profile of the candidate you wish to support, click on donate and key in the amount.  Candidates are to log in, view the activity on their profiles that is; number of profile visits and donations analysis. The site also offers anyone the chance to register as a candidate and have their profile on the site ones reviewed by the CRAWN Trust team.  We as CRAWN Trust want to lead a movement focused on the emancipation of women. We want to see women in leadership positions. We want to see people living with disability in leadership positions. We want to see the young people in leadership positions.  Join us as we vote for women  [...]
June 17, 2022NewsThe Women’s Voice and Leadership-Kenya (WVL-K) project aims to contribute to gender equality and the increased enjoyment of human rights by women, girls, and gender non-conforming people in Kenya. The project funded by the Canadian Government Global Affairs Canada (GAC) is being delivered in Kenya by CARE Canada, CARE Kenya, CRAWN Trust, Uraia Trust, the Centre for Rights Education and Awareness (CREAW) and the Urgent Action Fund (UAF- Africa). CRAWN Trust is leading in the networking and alliance building pillar. Dhobi Women Network are members of the National Women Steering Committee (NWSC) Under the project, CRAWN Trust is working with seven networks among them Dhobi Women Network to address gendered concerns within their spaces of operations. An emergency code for gender-based violence (GBV) survivors to access help, has been launched. The USSD code *483*143# provides a one-stop platform for reporting incidents, connecting with a hospital for treatment, receiving tele-counselling, and finding a shelter. Developed by Dhobi Women Network, a CRAWN Trust network under the Women Voice and Leadership-Kenya project, the code promotes survivors’ protection of privacy and confidentiality. “The USSD code has incorporated the free toll lines giving multiple options in accessing emergency help,” says the network’s executive director Grace Ngugi. She says the idea of an integrated reporting system came about in March, last year following enforcement of a partial lockdown and curfew. She would receive calls from distressed women seeking help. It proved challenging serving all at the same time considering their emergency situations that needed immediate attention. “Now with Sh3, one can access the platform confidently and get help from wherever they are across the country,” she says. Community policingShe notes that the code promotes community policing on GBV issues since anyone can report the crime and facilitate a rescue mission without disclosure of the informant. Helplines for public litigation labour and children’s rights as well as psychosocial support are also available on the platform. Others are for human rights violations, persons with disability, migrants, widows and orphans. Kileleshwa chief Joyline Gatakaa, says the platform will improve reporting violence in the community. “Many times, violence occurs in the homes and community but people fear visiting the relevant government offices to report for fear of reprisal attacks,” she says.Should one, however, lack a phone or means to a phone to access the service, there are other options.Nyumba Kumi members, human rights monitors and grassroots activists are of great help to GBV survivors. Apart from chiefs, Nyumba Kumi members are the closest administrative officers in the villages. It is important to seek out their help instead of feeling powerless or suffering in silence. They are pivotal in not only rescuing survivors, but also safeguarding the evidence needed to successfully prosecute a GBV case. Nyumba KumiFor instance, it is through the Nyumba Kumi members that rescued girls and women are placed in shelters and safe houses.Human rights monitors live among the people and they are usually known to the community members. Often, they are trained as paralegals by the civil society organisations, and can offer guidance on the best action to take. They are also trained on confidentiality and documenting offences such as GBV. Since they work in a coordinated system involving the police, they can easily rescue the survivor once notified. It is easy to identify them by consulting the chief, clergy and teachers.They exist both in rural and urban areas, especially in Nairobi, Nakuru, Kisumu, Narok, Uasin Gishu, Samburu and Laikipia among other areas. With the emergence of community-based organisations in every sub-county in Kenya, grassroots activists are in plenty. The media has also covered activists who are saving girls from early marriages and female genital mutilation. They are saviours in cases of dire need for help.Dhobi Women Network launch a USSD code for prevention of GBV [...]
June 17, 2022NewsCRAWN Trust initiated the ‘Women and the Economy’ series designed to be the ground zero for women’s economic emancipation, Connecting women to business and financial opportunities for growth and impact in the building skills as well as creating and building wealth for women form the bottom up, the series will be a game changer in women’s economic transformation. The ‘Women and the Economy’ series, will be contributing towards closing the gender gap and supporting women to enable them fund and grow their businesses to greater levels. The Inaugural Women Economic Forum 2021, themed Reshaping the Kenyan Economy through harnessing women’s potential was coordinated in Nairobi Kenya, virtually hosted to facilitate attendance from across the World, on the 24th – 25th February 2021. The Forum was hosted by, Community Advocacy and Awareness (CRAWN) Trust, the permanent secretariat to the National Women’s Steering Committee – NWSC, a coalition platform that brings together individuals and organizations working for women’s political, social and economic emancipation. The conference which attracted both county based and National level engagements was anchored in the Women Voice and Leadership (WVL) program which aims to contribute to gender equality and the increased enjoyment of human rights by women and girls in Kenya. The project was funded by Global Affairs Canada, delivered in Kenya by CARE Canada, CARE Kenya, CRAWN Trust, Uraia Trust, CREAW and Urgent Action Fund-Africa. The deliberations cantered around four thematic areas namely; Agribusiness, MSME’S as potential engines of growth and women entrepreneurship, planning and budgeting for women economic inclusion, opportunities in technology and innovation, manufacturing and value chains, media: shaping the narrative, tax and policy regimes, financial access and skills development. Speaking during the opening ceremony, CRAWN Trust’s Executive Director Daisy Amdany said that the forum drew attention to the importance of empowering women and girls in realizing their potential. ‘‘The forum wants to look at those women that are the backbone of the economy but are so invisible in the society. Those that operate in the micro and small enterprises. The economic empowerment of women is extremely important. When you’re economically empowered, it opens up a world of opportunities’’ she said. With women making up over half of Kenya’s population, their subpar representation in the national economic sphere is less than acceptable. Furthermore, women own and run more than 50 percent of all the informal businesses in Kenya making them invaluable economic drivers. Although there has been support for the empowerment of women which can be seen through different initiatives by the Government of Kenya both at National and County levels, there remain gaps making it difficult for women to participate effectively in the economic development of the Country. The Women and Economy conference shed light on these and other issues impacting women in Kenya’s economy and aimed to become a long-term change agent towards the realization of the true nation’s women socio-economic potential. The Cabinet Administrative Secretary in the Ministry of Public Service and Gender Beatrice Elachi pointed out the need for women’s inclusion in the economic recovery programme in the midst of the Covid19 pandemic. ‘‘2020 was a very tough year weighed down by the effects of COVID-19. The pandemic closed most of SMEs, but thank God we are moving through to recovery. As the Government and the Ministry of Public Service and Gender it is our responsibility to ensure that women are part and parcel of rebuilding the economy.’’ CRAWN Trust Chairperson Miriam Cherogony, guaranteed the Organization’s participation in ensuring women are not left behind in co-creating the economic recovery strategy. ”As the government of Kenya works on the post COVID economic strategy, we at CRAWN Trust are also ready to make our contribution to ensure women of Kenya are not left behind in co-creating the economic recovery strategy.” she added…. ‘‘As an organization, we are grateful to make our continuation through the work we do which includes this great conference. We know that supporting a more inclusive role for women in economic growth contributes not only to strengthened livelihoods but also to the growth of the Nation’s GDP.’’ A research Commissioned by CRAWN Trust on women and the economy indicates that women especially those in the informal sector are continuously excluded in effective decision making and access to resources due to the informal nature of their engagements. Further, the entrenchment of gender inequality and women disempowerment can also be linked to broader institutional inefficiencies such as weak policy and institutional frameworks with not much attention being paid to practical gender needs. These are some of the issues that have contributed to the minimal achievements in the fight for gender equality and women empowerment. The forum’s goal was driven by an urgent need for true gender equality in the national economic engine, where women are represented, included and availed as much opportunity as men. Where young women can have business and entrepreneurship aspirations and be able to pursue and achieve their business development goals without fear of any barriers, thereby being able to play a bigger role in their families, local communities, county and country. Achieving this ideal will mean a more sustainable economy with plenty of opportunity for all Kenyans. [...]
June 17, 2022NewsOn Friday, January 21, 2022, the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) officially gazetted Tuesday, August 9, 2022 as the date of the third General Election under the Constitution of Kenya, 2010. In releasing the elections calendar the IEBC sought to assure Kenyans that the up-coming General Election would be free, fair and credible as required by the Constitution.  In the run-up to the 2022 General Elections, we, The Angaza Movement (TAM), a national and grassroots collective of active citizens and Civil Society Organisations, are deeply concerned about the state of preparedness among critical institutions charged with the management of elections, their capture by various State and sectarian interests, and the entrenched culture of impunity.  Every election in Kenya has been bungled since 2007. Kenya is still burdened by unresolved putative elections, which has deeply undermined public confidence in the integrity of the electoral process. The underwhelming performance of the IEBC in the ongoing registration of voters, compounded with a perennially problematic voters register does not inspire confidence that the election will be free, fair or credible. We are deeply concerned that IEBC has deliberately refused to learn from the dismal performance of the Enhanced Voter Registration last year. There is no evidence that it has engaged the National Registration Bureau to satisfy itself that the delayed release of identification documents is not suppressing voter registration. Voter registration is being carried out in the absence of civic education and awareness and bottlenecks in accessing identity documentation could deny citizens their political rights.  The IEBC has papered over many of the legal and administrative changes the Supreme Court ordered in 2017 after nullifying the presidential election results on account of glaring illegalities and irregularities. The IEBC is hollowed out, and bereft of institutional memory because of unfilled vacancies in the commission and the secretariat. Many of the individuals who left the electoral management body in disgrace have been rewarded with appointments to sensitive positions that could affect the conduct of elections.  The arrant refusal by the state to adequately and timeously fund the electoral management body, inordinate delays in effecting appointments and last-minute changes to the law undoubtedly destabilise the context in which elections will be held.  The government has frustrated the electoral management body including denying the opportunity for any auxiliary elections funding from other development partners.  The fragile security around the country, characterised by incidents of violence in Baringo, Laikipia and Lamu counties and headlined regularly by extra-judicial executions, forced disappearances and a general breakdown in police discipline signal that the window for delivering a credible, free and fair election is shutting. Past elections have been determined by the use of violence against women and other vulnerable groups, with no accountability for sexual and gender-based crimes. SGBV has become a defining feature of political violence employed to curtail women’s participation in the country’s governance. There can be no free or fair election in a violent environment ring-fenced by impunity.  The IEBC, political parties, the legislature and the Executive continue to defy the Constitution and the courts to promote the inclusion of women, youth and persons living with disabilities. An election held in such a context cannot be said to be free, fair or credible.  The IEBC and other state agencies have deliberately refused to uphold and enforce obligatory integrity standards. It has failed or refused to underwrite democracy in political parties, which are publicly funded, by requiring them to meet the constitutional requirements of transparency and accountability in their political processes. IEBC and other institutions have bowed to political interests that suppress the good of the people, their safety, security and democracy.  The Angaza Movement believes that Kenya has the capacity to conduct free and fair elections. Chapter Six of the Constitution defines the standards for leadership and integrity. We are calling on every Kenyan citizen to do that which the IEBC and other state institutions have failed to do: Put integrity at the head of this election.  [...]

Who we are

The Community Advocacy and Awareness (CRAWN) Trust is a change catalyst providing African women and girls with the tools, voice and platforms through which they can effect change at individual, family, community, regional, national and continental levels in economic, social and political spheres. CRAWN Trust is the host organization and permanent secretariat for the National Women’s Steering Committee NWSC, a coalition platform that brings together individuals and organizations working for women’s political and economic emancipation.

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What We Do

Crawn Trust provides its services in the following Thematic Areas

Leadership & Governance

The objective of the Leadership and Governance strategy is to transform leadership and governance in Kenya through values instillation, women’s full participation, gender equity and contribute to birthing leaders who lead with skill and integrity.

Networking & Alliance Building

The objective of the Networking and Alliance Building strategy is to build a critical mass of human rights defenders who will strengthen our discourse and amplify the voices of communities for democratic change.

Information, Education & Communication

The objective of the IEC strategy is to provide men, women, PWDs, and other minority groups with the skills and knowledge to demand and access equity, justice, inclusivity, and fairness from duty bearers

Our Foot Prints

Number of projects implemented
The number of counties we operate in
Indirect Project reach


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Our Partners

Crawn Trust prides itself for having great partners.