Enabling Gender Responsive Devolution through quarterly Governor’s Gender Round
The Constitution
The Kenya Constitutions sets solid foundation for the Gender Agenda in Kenya. The Cardinal principle of the sovereign power of the people of Kenya is anchored in Article 1(1) of CoK 2010, Representation Article 27, Article 100, Participation and Public Finance Management Act. Further, our advocacy work is informed by The Affirmative Action principle and Devolution (Articles 174 and 175), especially 174 (b) – (h) and 175 (b) and (c) and Article 204 of CoK and the Equalization Fund as an AA provision.
The National Women’s Steering Committee (NWSC) is a consortium of over 50 organizations, networks and affiliate groups spread across all 47 counties committed to addressing women’s concerns and advocating for gender equity and equality in the political, economic and social sphere. The NWSC brings the organizations from the county to national level together onto a platform united to bring voice, value and strength to our work in governance, empowerment and development. The NWSC platform is hosted by CRAWN Trust (Chair & Convener) & Caucus for women’s leadership (CWL) as co-convener and is guided by an Advisory Committee representing thematic working groups.
Partnership with Governors and preparatory activities
The Devolution and Women Conference held in Naivash at Sawela between 8th -9th May 2014, was put together through a collaborative initiative by the National Women Steering Committee (NWSC), The Senate, Council of Governors (CoG), the National Gender and Equality Commission (NGEC), the Ward Representative Association of Kenya (WRAK) and Action Aid-Kenya. The main thrust of the Conference was safeguarding devolution and gender gains in the Constitution of Kenya 2010. The configuration of delegations at this conference includes:-
This project has an in-built mechanism for ensuring sustainability. The project aims at establishing platforms and structures that are county level owned by the local communities and duty bearers in the Counties. The project will build the capacity of the network members on advocacy which will equip members with skills to effectively push their agenda. The participatory approach will be used throughout the implementation of the project; this ensures ownership of the project by primary beneficiaries. The approach also empowers participants with knowledge and skill which enables them to manage their affairs with very little outside interventions. The project activities have been designed to engage various groups of people; Women, youth, persons with disability and county leadership with representation from different geographical coverage which ensures inclusivity and ownership. CRAWN- TRUST will provide back-up support to the GGRTs Committees, who are themselves members of the communities, so that they are able to work with the beneficiaries to strengthen them and help them become sustainable at the end of the project
Registration of participants (ushers, clerks) by Sub-county, officials
With over fifteen clerks and numerous ushers, the registration process was well organized. Each Sub-county had a separate desk; separate registration desks were set up for officials and other invited guests. Upon registration, each participant was given assortment of IEC materials, meal cards and a soft drink of their choice.
The venue had several tents for registration, guest sitting, and separate meals for guests and other participants.
Reflect Approach
Reflect is an approach to learning and social change. Key to the Reflect approach is creating a space where people feel comfortable to meet and discuss issues relevant to them and their lives. Reflect aims to improve the meaningful participation of people in decisions that affect their lives, through strengthening their ability to communicate. It utilizes simple participatory methodologies to understand their issues in the community better and define the change they would like to see in terms of basic service provision e.g educReflect was developed through innovative pilot programmes in Uganda, Bangladesh and El Salvador between 1993 and 1995ation, health, water etc.
Kericho County played host to First ever (Inaugural) Governors Gender Round Table (GGRT). The Governor of Kericho, H.E. Prof. Chepkwony is the chair of Gender Committee among other committees of Governors. Kericho has six (6) sub-counties namely, Kipkelion West, Kipkelion East, Belgut, Ainamoi, Soin/ Sigowet, and Bureti constituencies. Kericho County has 30 Administrative Wards. Kericho is home of tea and hosts to multinational companies such as Williamson and Uniliver. Kericho has numerous indigenous companies trading in Tea products.
HOST GOVERNOR: H.E. Prof. Paul Kiprono Chepkwony
He started by greeting the congregation in local vernacular twice as is the tradition of the community. He congratulated the organizers of the meeting and thanked all present for finding time to attending. He confirmed inviting other leaders among the First Lady , the Deputy President but due to her disposition she could not manage to come and therefore send her apologies. In order of seniority he invited all deputy governors present to address the congregation.