Road to COP27: CSOs state their position ahead of the global convention

CSOs from Kenya led by OXFAM, WWF, SUSWATCH Kenya, SEAF-K, CARE KENYA, KCCWG, CRAWN-TRUST, Christian Aid, HIVOs, KPCG among others come together to develop a Kenyan CSOs position ahead of #cop27 in Egypt from 7th to 18th Nov 2022.
CSOs play a key role in different political, cultural and ethical contexts to guide alternative practices, to articulate critical knowledge that challenges existing assumptions, and then mobilize intellectually embedded powers to amplify and mobilize social networks for a deeper level of climate ambition. Trajectories of transformation involve a complex process of local action and wider discursive engagements to influence policies, practices, institutions, and attitudes but only by challenging them will it be possible to achieve climate action plans that entail aspects such as gender responsiveness, just transition and a whole of society approach.
Key among Kenyan CSOs demands included;
- The UNFCCC should NOT limit CSOs participation in climate conferences, currently few badges were given to CSOs
- The Developed countries should fulfil their commitments on Climate Finance, they should deliver on the USD$100bn they pledged before the next pledging period in 2025.
- COP27 must deliver a robust decision to set up a Loss & Damage Finance Facility, and request the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) to produce a biennial Loss & Damage Financing Gap report to inform the set up of this facility. COP27 must also meaningfully operationalize the Santiago network for Loss & Damage.
- COP27 Must deliver substantive outcomes on adaptation finance and the Global Goal on Adaptation. We want the Adaptation finance to be doubled